Biography of Pastor
Reverend Dr. Myron Sutherlin is a native of Middlesex County, Virginia. He’s the fifth of seven children
born to the union of the late Deacon Robert H. and Deaconess Evelyn Ruth Sutherlin.
Dr. Sutherlin was educated in the public schools of Middlesex County, Virginia and later attended Ferrum
College in Ferrum, Virginia. Dr. Sutherlin furthered his education and earned his Bachelor’s Degree of Pastoral Studies in 2004 from
International College of Bible Theology in Newport News, Virginia. In 1995 he received his Biblical Studies
from Virginia Union University, in Richmond, Virginia. Dr. Sutherlin earned his Master of Divinity Degree
in 2012 at Bible College of Theology in Petersburg, Virginia and his Biblical Studies in 2012 at Midwest
Seminary of Bible Theology. In 2015 he received his Doctor of Ministry Degree at Next Dimension
University in Ontario, Canada. In 2021 he also earned his Doctor of Philosophy and Christian Counseling
at Grace Bible College, in Weldon, North Carolina. Dr. Sutherlin is currently pursuing his education in
Chaplaincy and Mental Health at College of Pastoral Supervision and Psychotherapy, Smyrna, Georgia as
well. Dr. Sutherlin was called to pastor Calvary Baptist Church in Kilmarnock, Virginia, in February 1997. He
proudly served the congregation for 12 years as he continually strived for the advancement of God’s people.During his pastorate, he initiated several growth ministries, workshops, and seminars. Those developed
and implemented under the leadership of Dr. Sutherlin included: Adult and Youth Bible Study and Prayer
Service, noon-day Bible Study, marriage seminars, music and finance workshops, Women’s Ministry,
Children’s Church, a tutorial program, Youth Revival, youth workshops, the Helping Hands Committee
that assisted bereaved families, New Converts Class, discipleship and stewardship workshops, the Children
and Youth Ministry, and the Step and Praise Team. He ordained two deacons, consecrated three
deaconesses, licensed and ordained two ministers, and added two trustees.
Dr. Sutherlin’s leadership at Calvary resulted in an increase in church finances and membership, the
purchase of a bus, and renovations such as handicapped restrooms, a nurse’s station, a remodeled kitchen,
a digital piano, an upgraded sound system, and new lighting in the church sanctuary. He helped to continue
a radio ministry (WKWI 107.1) and a tape ministry.
Dr. Sutherlin then served as the ninth pastor of Pleasant Grove Baptist Church in Mechanicsville, Virginia,
in February 2009 through February 2011.
Dr. Sutherlin arrived at Shiloh Baptist Church in Williamsburg, Virginia, as Pastor-Elect on July 17, 2016
and was installed as Pastor on June 4, 2017. Under his leadership, he ordained two Deacons to the diakonos,
consecrated three Deaconesses, added five Trustees, and licensed one Minister to preach the gospel. Several
workshops and trainings were held, such as those focused on Praise Dance, Music/Choir, Deacon &
Deaconess 6-week Training, Leadership Role Training, and Trustee Leadership (with Booklet) and
Financial Workshop. In addition, the church joined the Tidewater Peninsula Baptist Association.
There have been many upgrades to the church, such as new carpet, upholstered pews and pulpit chairs,
audio/video sound equipment and sanctuary replacement window. The first Praise & Worship Team was
organized in October 2017. Other new ministries were organized to include: The Upper Room In-Touch
Ministry, Outreach Through Technology Ministry, Financial Checks and Balances Committee, and Safety
Team. For future development, 8.6 acres of land was purchased in November 2020 and a Land Pay-Off
Ministry was formed.
On March 16, 2020, Shiloh had to cancel all physical church services for COVID-19, but under the
leadership of Dr. Sutherlin, the church was able to move forward by live streaming services on Zoom and
Facebook. With the assistance of the Trustees, Shiloh was also able to continue collecting tithes and
offerings. Givelify was introduced in the process, which allows members to make their contributions online
as well. Although Dr. Sutherlin has an awesome track record of accomplishment, he firmly believes in sound
doctrine and Kingdom Building while remaining humble and true to God’s mission at hand. In fact,
Shiloh’s Mission Statement is “Working together in the body of Christ, by transforming lives and serving
the community.”
Dr. Sutherlin is married to 1st Lady Gillian Sutherlin, in which their union blessed them with two
daughters, Monica and Tiffanie. This family of four is very affectionate and favorable towards one another,
firmly believing that “a family that prays together stays together.”
Dr. Sutherlin desires to challenge, liberate, and empower men, women, and youth through the Gospel of
Jesus Christ. He is guided by the scripture: “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the
power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth; to the Jew first and also to the Greek.” (Romans
1:16 KJV)